Goodwill takes a holistic approach to employment by providing you the tools you need to feel confident, purpose driven and successful. It’s all part of our commitment to empowering individuals, strengthening families and building stronger communities. Goodwill Industries of Monocacy Valley’s career services are available to anyone––at no cost––to help you land a job and advance your career. Both our in-person self-service Career Centers and the online resources of grant you access to everything from skills training, career coaching, resume assistance, certifications, hiring events and more. No matter your circumstances, we’re here to help you build your better future today.
Download the Career Pathways Participant Handbook at this link.
Get the help you need to find a job or advance your career with the no-cost resources of, powered by Goodwill.
We are honored to provide a wide range of services and resources for veterans and their families, all designed to smooth the way for a rewarding transition to civilian life.
The tools you need to go from a job to a career are here. Find a no-cost Career Center near you and discover the better tomorrow you deserve right now.
Discover everything needed to position yourself in the place of most potential for career advancement and life enrichment with a career at Goodwill.
Explore no-cost training classes and workshops to help you enhance your skills, get a better job and build your career success.
Amazing things are always happening at Goodwill Industries of Monocacy Valley! From daily specials to job training events, explore our calendar of events to discover what’s going on.