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December 23, 2014

Forbes Most Inspiring American Companies

Goodwill® once again made the Forbes 20 Most Inspiring American Companies list. Even better news—we moved from 19th on the list to 11th on the list this year! We continue to be the only non-profit on the list.

To put the list together, from July until November Decooda, an Atlanta data analysis outfit, collected 3,300 online questionnaires. First, the respondents were asked to imagine a fictitious inspirational company and then write about the values, behaviors and attitudes of that company, including how it would treat customers and the community. They then had to name an inspirational real-life company and describe how it measured up to the fictional company. “Be sure to talk about your feelings and attitudes toward the company, what you love most about the company, and what attributes of the company make it inspirational,” said the questionnaire.

See the full article here.